Saturday, December 29, 2007

NAR's a lobby, not a reliable source

What is NAR exactly? Is NAR a lobby? A cheerleading organization? Truth tellers? Do they really give us an accurate picture of the real estate market? Do they have their finger on the pulse of the market? Why has the National Association of Realtors been wrong with predictions 70% of the time in 2007? Why have real estate agents made double the commission for the same amount of work during the housing market boom? Who fuels this nonsense? Why aren't agents unbundling their services? All questions we have to ask, particularly in the Internet era. In my opinion, NAR is a lobbiest, cheerleading organization with little accurate information about the real estate market. They cannot be trusted to tell the truth and are biased. Many agents have to join NAR just to get Multiple Listing Service (MLS) access. The video below says it all.

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